The Swale & Ure Drainage Board
Covering an area of 203.4km2 the area of the Swale & Ure Drainage Board includes significant areas of highly productive agricultural land.
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Providing you with access to all our documentation
A range of documents including Finance, Board Policy, Legislation, notices and other useful information.
Our network spans 32,400 hectares
Check if the watercourse you are interested in is in our area.
Latest News from Swale & Ure Drainage Board
Incident of flooding or similar emergencies?
Call our Thirsk office 01845 525 727 or
our Knaresborough office 01423 862271/07970 000068
our Knaresborough office 01423 862271/07970 000068
Out of hours numbers 01302 337798
For emergency use only
Swale & Ure Drainage Board
The area of the Swale & Ure Drainage Board is 203.4km2 and includes significant areas of highly productive agricultural land. It includes 470km of managed watercourse and serves over 1100 drainage ratepayers in parts of Richmondshire, Hambleton and Harrogate council areas. Managed watercourses drain the rural communities near Catterick, Bedale, Northallerton, Thirsk, Boroughbridge and the outskirts of Knaresborough and Wetherby. They allow drainage of significant lengths of the A1(M) motorway, the A168 A19 Trunk Road, and the East Coast Mainline Railway. It also serves three active military airfields.